Why the Money in a Joint Account May Not Be Distributed to the Survivor (or how uneducated plans go wrong)

Many people think that if they put their money in a joint account, the survivor will automatically inherit the funds and no further claims can be laid on that money. Unfortunately, as the survivors often discover to their great chagrin, it often does not work like this easily. The other heirs, including spouses and legatees...
Why the Money in a Joint Account May Not Be Distributed to the Survivor (or how uneducated plans go wrong) Continue reading…

What gifts can you make without informing the IRS? Why would you want to give large gifts during your lifetime?

Every person has a lifetime gift and estate tax exemption of $5.43MM (this number rises with inflation). Generally, most gifts made during a lifetime are counted towards this lifetime exemption.  If lifetime gifs exceed $5.43MM, a gift tax is due. If the sum of lifetime gifts and the money remaining in the estate exceeds...
What gifts can you make without informing the IRS? Why would you want to give large gifts during your lifetime? Continue reading…