Planning for a Pet

Animals shelters often see beloved pets suddenly homeless because of the death of their owners and failure to plan properly. And while there may be more people willing to rescue a dog, but what about a horse or a lizard? One way of planning properly for the care of a pet is to leave...
Planning for a Pet Continue reading…

Some Legal Trivia

Did you know? Code of Hammurabi (around 1792 BCE) is one of the oldest and most complete written collections of law. Hammurabi was the soxth king of Babylon. The prologue to the Code expresses its purpose: “that the strong might not oppress the weak, that justice be given to orphan and widow” Code...
Some Legal Trivia Continue reading…

Some Legal Trivia…

Did you know? The Code of Ur-Nammu, written around 2100 BCE, is the oldest found legislative code. It later influenced the code of Hammurabi. It’s the first time when a schedule of predetermined consequences for violating rules of conduct was written. Most penalties were monetary: 15 shekels for perjury, 5 shekels for deflowering...
Some Legal Trivia… Continue reading…

Imagine your family at peace: How to Have Crucial Conversations with Your Loved Ones about End-of-Life issues

Talking about end of life issues with a loved one who is already sick is difficult. Your loved one may not be thinking clearly, may be in pain, and everyone is likely to be very emotional. That’s why it’s important to have this conversation early, while everyone is thinking clearly. A plan is...
Imagine your family at peace: How to Have Crucial Conversations with Your Loved Ones about End-of-Life issues Continue reading…

Are you at risk of getting sued, if you agree to act as a Fiduciary (Executors, Trustees and Agents under Power of Attorney)?

Trust and estate litigation is on the rise. The conflict can arise due to beneficiaries who feel they were entitled to more money or Trustees, who are supposed to act as fiduciaries with care, loyalty and impartiality, but often don’t. Unfortunately, you cannot plan for every contingency. You hope that the Trustee that...
Are you at risk of getting sued, if you agree to act as a Fiduciary (Executors, Trustees and Agents under Power of Attorney)? Continue reading…

Get a FREE online evaluation – what kind of documents you need

Have you always wondered if you need an estate plan? Have you thought of doing it yourself, but were not sure if you are doing it right? Take this FREE online evaluation and find out!