What happens if there are not enough assets in the Estate to pay all claims
Purpose of probate: Probate of the estate serves several purposes. It starts with identifying the heirs of the estate, continues with identifying the assets owned by the decedent, continues with paying the claims of the estate, and is finalized by distributing the remaining assets to the required beneficiaries. Every single step of this process...
What happens if there are not enough assets in the Estate to pay all claims Continue reading…
Disinheriting a Child
Under the laws of New York, if you die intestate (without a Will) some or all of your property would go to your children who survive you, in equal shares. However, you can choose to disinherit – leave nothing – to a child.
The disinherited child, of course, may have very hurt feelings, both against...
Disinheriting a Child Continue reading…
Account Closures and Cancellations
One of the hardest parts of losing a loved one is dealing with the financial aftermath. While your family and friends are aware of the passing, the rest of the financial institutions are not and they will keep sending the bills. Gym memberships, subscription wine club memberships, student loans, credit cards, Netflix subscription, utility...
Account Closures and Cancellations Continue reading…
Basics of Planning a Funeral
Pre-Planning is best because it eases the burden on your loved ones. If you have specific wishes (i.e. – scattering your ashes over Yukon, Canada or getting buried under a specific tree) you should at least write these wishes down and ideally arrange for their execution. However, that is not always possible and millions...
Basics of Planning a Funeral Continue reading…
Planning for Step-Children
If you have married someone who had children from a previous relationship, these are your step-children. Even if you have helped raised the child from a very young age, unless you have legally adopted the child, he will not be considered your child for inheritance purposes. This can have significant implications for your family....
Planning for Step-Children Continue reading…
A Good Plan Avoids Big Problems
Not having a plan in place may create unforeseen problems for your family. Please read my recent article in Epoch Times about the importance of having proper documents.https://www.theepochtimes.com/a-good-plan-avoids-big-problems_3066028.html
My recent interview on Serene Home: mistakes, challenges and costs of estate planning.
I was recently interviewed on Serene Home about how to put your estate planning affairs in order. Please read the article below.https://theserenehome.com/estate-planning-katya-sverdlov-esq-talks-to-the-serene-home/
KonMari consultant explains the organizing / cleaning method that took the world by storm!
1. How did you become a KonMari consultant? Following a long career as a psychotherapist, I discovered my passion for organizing after organizing my own home using the KonMari Method. KonMari worked so well for me in my own home, I decided I wanted to help others achieve the same result.After completing the KonMari...
KonMari consultant explains the organizing / cleaning method that took the world by storm! Continue reading…
How to Budget for a Child with Special Needs
I was recently quoted extensively in a recent article by Nicole Dieker, regarding planning for a child with special needs.
Please contact me at ksverdlov@sverdlovlaw.com or 212-709-8112 with questions regarding planning appropriately for your family.
Top 5 Reasons for Asset Protection
Please see the article that I recently wrote for Epoch Times on Asset Protection https://www.theepochtimes.com/5-top-reasons-for-asset-protection_2973377.htmlMost people in the United States need some form of asset protection, regardless of the type of job that they do and amounts of assets that they have. Please contact my law firm if you have additional questions about your individual...
Top 5 Reasons for Asset Protection Continue reading…